In truth I also know that if Google released a buggy, unintuitive tablet OS, into this very new sector, where a lot of people will be buying for the first time, it would put a lot of people off using an Android tablet in the future, and for me at least, once you buy into an OS, it's very hard to switch it up.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Honeycomb for xmas
In truth I also know that if Google released a buggy, unintuitive tablet OS, into this very new sector, where a lot of people will be buying for the first time, it would put a lot of people off using an Android tablet in the future, and for me at least, once you buy into an OS, it's very hard to switch it up.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Millenial Media - a stats goldmine
Oooh. Stats!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Working out your differences.
After work thoughts.
Confession time: I’m writing this from work. Well, after work – but still at work all the same. Due to today’s tube strike I spent the first hour of the day comfortably surfing the net on my smartphone. I use the word ‘comfortably’ because on the new smartphones its honestly only a little less convenient than on my desktop PC at home.
One of the few merits of riding the bus to work over the tube was that I had internet access. Soon, with Boris Johnsons plan to enable internet access in the tube by the time of the Olympics, this won’t be the case, and barring tube strikes I’ll have even less reason to ride the bus than I already do.
However, there seems to be the opinion amongst a significant amount of my colleagues that the tube is some kind of sacred ground, reserved for people watching, reading ‘The Metro’ and practising standing with your neck crooked at a funny angle. As much as I enjoy all of these things, I’d rather spend the time replying to Facebook messages that I’ll have to reply later, above ground, when I could be doing other things like living. Charing Cross currently has its first free wifi connection, and is the first
Android Psychology
Blog time again folks. I do like fleeting updates on here, like the good friend you see now and again, and always wonder why you don’t make more of an effort to meet up more regularly. Personally, I got a new phone, eventually opting for an HTC Desire on Android. I should probably just come out and say it, I’m an Android fan. On a side note, I’ve been speaking to other people on the Android platform about why they chose it over iPhone.
Why people choose Android:
- The iPhone is now so commonplace that they wanted something a bit different
- They are cheaper
- They know someone who blindly worships Apple – which really pisses them off.
Its amazing the amount of people who cite reasons one and three, given that taken on a purely unemotional level, they make almost no sense –However, anyone who has studied why people purchase what the do knows that emotion plays a massive role in the decision making process, even if the individual would claim otherwise. In the same way people (read: me) dislike the bands they used to love as soon as they hit the mainstream, people seem to be having the same reaction with smartphones. I’d like to find a psychological study that offers a theory about this by the way, but I’d say it is more prolific now than ever before because of the level of customisation that the new OS’s offer – no phone is ever the same, it’s an extension of the ‘self’, and thus you are emotionally attached. Armchair psychology 101. Unfortunately a different theory is needed for the popularity of the iPhone.
Monday, 27 September 2010
Work, RIM and Play
Hope you like stats!
As well as this, the other story that broke this week is this story from Dailytech, which talks about the % market share of each of the biggest players in the mobile Advertising universe. Googles market share, was estimated to be around 27% as of last year. However, IDC have reported that it expects a 6% drop in ad revenue for Google in 2010, meaning that both Apple and Google will be neck and neck in the market with a 21% share each. Apples purchase of Quattro Wireless and its 9% market share is starting to make much more sense.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Cos I'ma criminal!
Woe me! I am a victim of crime! Another statistic on the British Crime Survey! Yes, I’ve had my mobile stolen. After a short chase and some hardman shouting that does not befit my usual personality, the little tyke got away. Thanks to the wonders of mobile insurance, I will of course, be getting a new phone, which leaves me with a dilemma. I now have the opportunity to sell the new handset, invest a little money and buy a new phone. The decision is easy in one sense, it was only ever going to be between an Android handset or an iPhone. But which?
The high end handsets see to cost almost the same amount nowadays with a top spec Android phone costing around £450 and an iPhone 4 ringing in at about £500.
The cost of the two phones belies the kind of technology that lies beneath the handsets, and it’s easy to forget this cost when you take out a contract and get the phone for free. It is honestly amazing how much hardware they cram into phones nowadays, even for a technophile like me, and the difference beyond aesthetics between the top models from Apple/HTC/Samsung/Sony is growing steadily smaller.
So then, why on earth is it so hard to choose a phone? Well the real value and USPs nowadays, consciously for me, and perhaps unconsciously for the less discerning consumer, is in the OS. This is a real testament to how big an influence Android and iOS on their own, have over the purchasing decisions of our most important gadget.
Consumers aside, the OS of choice for advertisers will continue to be whichever one makes them the most money.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
P Diddys tyres
Despite my lack of attention to you, lovely blog readers, I have been storing away interesting articles for a day of motivation. Spread the word! That day has arrived, and you’ll be getting not one, but two posts, in less than 24 hours.
Delusions of people actually caring aside, I suppose I could justify the wait because John Carmacks (not-so) recent diatribe has taken me some time to mull over. For those of you that aren’t familiar with the name, Carmack is one of the gaming industries most well respected developers, and his development house, iD software, have created some of the most well known games of the past 20 years, Doom and Quake, being the two most obvious examples. Think of him as the nerd version of James Cameron, he may not be making the best games around at the moment, but his technical skill is breathtaking and his CV speaks for itself. When he talks, people listen.
During a recent Q&A session, in which Carmack showed off some of the latest games he had got running on the iOS platform, including upcoming shooter ‘Rage’, Carmack was asked by an audience member about iD’s support for the Android platform. In response, Carmack asked the audience how many of them had spent more than $20 on the Android app store. The result: not many. And in fact, while I am approaching having spent that sum myself, currently I believe it is less. Carmack went on to say that he has been monitoring Android closely, and iD will eventually bring their products to Android, it just won’t be in the next 6 months. So, is that part of the reason for the disparity between the size of the two app markets?
My point is this. While figures are constantly released giving us the market share of each of the mobile platforms, what we know very little about is the market itself. Demographics, average spend per user, total spend, click through’s, and what kinds of apps are being bought, is all data that is very hard to come by.
Can we make assumptions about this, and more importantly, without aforementioned data to hand, is that what developers are doing? Is it fair to say that the same people who buy into the idea of a free, open platform such as Android running on phones that cost less than a return flight to Kuala Lumpar, also prefer free apps? In the same way, is it true that the same people who are willing/able to shell out £750+ for an iPhone 4 may also be more willing to pay for apps for that device? Compare this to the automotive industry, P Diddy does not put Halfords Value tyres on his Maybach.
What all this means, is that, despite Carmacks reservations about developing for a platform whose users are not splashing the cash, its quite possible that Android, with its increasingly large market share, and users hungry for free content, currently makes a compelling case for Ad funded apps.
Cupcakes and Eclairs.
Wow, what a gap. Its got to the stage where its almost embarrassing to come back and post after this long away. Like when you don’t send a thank you card to a relative that’s sent you a birthday present. Luckily the internet has no such grievances, and, given the lack of readership, legions of fans won’t exactly be baying for my blood.
Casual surfers, who have tripped upon the site on the way to somewhere else, may be excused for thinking that maybe nothing has happened over the past 2 months. Well, of course, that is simply not true. However, from an personal standpoint, the biggest change has been the upgrade of my HTC Hero from Android v1.5 (aka ‘Cupcake’) to v2.1 (aka Éclair).
The change itself was a bit of a mixed bag. It bought along hardware optimisations, in the form of improved responsiveness of the OS, better support for HTML5, a better keyboard and a few other things, which you either know about already or have no interest in knowing. But just like your mums packed lunch, its not all chocolate and crisps. The homemade bread of the bunch is that some of my apps have just stopped updating. The HTC weather app being the worst offender. Luckily the app stores ‘Weatherbug’ provided me with a simple and free solution to that. Additionally, it seems to now refuse to tell me I have received texts in the notification bar, though email notifications are admittedly, much improved.
Discussions about Éclair aside, it is the app store that seems to have undergone some of the most radical changes for casual and power users alike. First of all, it’s prettier. The hot girl with the funny nose, has finally had that rhinoplasty. A new white background and black text makes it easier to read, and somehow, for a less cluttered interface. Additionally, the number of top level categories has been extended, so if you have something in mind, it is easier to at least begin the search in a more specific section. Even better, upon entering said categories, you get three easily selectable sections with which to browse in, Top Paid, Top Free, and Just In – all are pretty explicable. There maybe many more changes that I am yet to observe, but the aforementioned make massive inroads into the Android app market mess, that I had previously heavily criticised.
It is this kind of progress that is going to really attract developers, and advertisers to the platform. With Androids market share now outperforming Apple, at 17%, progress does need to be made on this front, and it appears Google are both aware of the fact, and committed to doing so.
Monday, 28 June 2010
Is that free?
Its all news news news this week. I've started seeing iPhone 4s 'in the wild'. Over the weekend the owners were especially evident. Out on the tube on Saturday afternoon they could be spotted a mile off after queuing for hours, just look for the the dishevelled, smug looking guy with a posh paper bag. Legend has it, that the O2 store was even giving out bags saying 'iPhone 4 - I've got mine' - though to be honest, they may as well have written 'mug me now' on them. For the stat monkeys among us, they've sold 1.7m since launch.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
In any case, its coming, June 24 (to a lucky few).
Those of you more interested in actually using the device than looking at the possibilities it offers for serving ads might think the rest of the article will be irrelevant. Well, I'm pleased and sorry, in equal measures, to say that this is not the case. Ads will continue to be a very important source of revenue for Apple and its new mobile advertising partner, Quattro.
For the developer, Apple claims we'll see far better use of embedded content. Streaming video, similar to that which really, has only come into its own on the net in the last two years or so, will be far more commonplace. We'll also see embedded ads become far more interactive, but lets just hope that they go further than "shoot the (insert animal here) to win $1m". Speaking of money, the deal is, that developers will receive 60% of revenue generated. Which, from the perspective of someone without much knowledge of historical revenue percentages from mobile advertising deals, sounds fair.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Hate to say....
I now feel compelled to write the final part of this Android review in haste, due to the increasing glut of iPhone news that is almost all worthy of comment. Despite this impulse, I’ll do my best to give this article the finish it deserves. Maybe a little of what’s currently hitting the headlines will be relevant in a piece about the future of androids application market anyway.
What is remarkable, on both iPhone and Android, is the amount of free apps out there. These must be financed partly by the passion of the developers, partly by a desire to show off their talents and partly by financial incentives. I cannot claim to have any idea about the time lengths and difficulties of coding a smartphone app, so its hard to say whether this kind of model is viable over the next few years, or if we will see more developers start to desire some even more financial payback for their exertion. Supposedly an app entering the top 100 can expect to earn anything between $400 and $5000 a day, but then that leaves 149,900 apps earning far less than that. Techcrunch has some very interesting graphs and statistics on this here
What is clear is that both Google and Apple are both staking considerable amounts of money on mobile search, and that advertisers are prepared to, at the very least make some kind of foray into the mobile market. What is a very positive indicator going forward, is that some of the biggest names in the game, namely P&G and Nike, have recently developed Apps specifically for their brand.
I think as the Android platform matures, we’ll see a more consistent and transparent model for of ad supported payment for the app development market, whereas some apps now have no ads, some have a great many. What I hope is that, app development by big name brands also continues. These apps are usually of a high quality, and are good for both the brand and the consumer. The brand gets meaningful interaction with their product, and a campaign that can easily spread by word of mouth. The consumer gets a free app.
On the subject of paid apps, the future is a little more obtuse. Are people willing to pay money for Apps when they are so often viewed as a free commodity? My experience of paying for apps is more of a ‘foray’ than a commitment. I believe this will depend as much as whether we can adjust to spending money via our mobiles, like we did in the transition from shopping in the high street, and online, as it will on whether microtransactions are ‘micro’ enough for us to wear. If we can extrapolate from other industries such as video gaming, it does suggest that they may be.
So what does this mean? Well I’d hate to be quoted in 3 years time making a prediction that turned out wrong. On the flipside I do love to say ‘I told you so’. I’d suggest that as things look at the moment, we’ll see less apps being developed, and a consolidation of the developers into biggers studios, much like the videogame market over the past 20 years. This move will, however be counteracted by a better App funding system implemented by Google, in the near future, and as a result of this, I think we’ll see more ads in ‘free’ apps.
Monday, 7 June 2010
In the meantime, I suggest you check out Engadgets hands on and first look articles here and here
Sunday, 6 June 2010
The State of the Apt
Google execs recently touted 100,000 Androids units shipping per day. That's an impressive figure, and especially, since every casual journalist under the sun is clawing to get their hands on the next iPhone , or second best, an exclusive piece of news on it. Mainstream press aside, there is no doubt that the Android platform is gaining traction. In the same way a console lives or dies on the strength of its software, Android's success will only continue if its Apps continue to appeal.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Get lost.
I've had the Android device for 4 months so far, and I've been downloading an eclectic selection of free, and paid for, apps. For anyone who has yet to use the Android app market, upon entering the Marketplace app itself, you are initially presented with about 4 different choices. Firstly 'featured' apps - a selection of mostly paid for apps for premium brands such as Spotify, along with a couple of free apps, selected, presumably, by a deity somewhere in Google towers. Below that you can brows either 'Applications' or 'Games'. Within the 'Applications' menu there are further subcategories for various types of app. Within these you are presented with a list of apps sorted either by date, or popularity. For me, the biggest problem with this is that there are supposedly 30000+ apps on the market. This means that within each category there is, on average, about 3000 apps.
I can't speak for those of you using the iPhone, but browsing the Android marketplace makes me feel lost very quickly indeed, especially if you aren't extremely specific with what it is you are looking for.
Friday’s finally rolled around, which puts everyone in a good mood. Mine was furthered by the news that GQ has launched an iPad (is the little ‘I’ still applicable?) version of its magazine. Admittedly its first issue made them a paltry $1000, but as editor Pete Hunsinger points out – its all profit. The move away from physical media, whether it be CD’s, DVD’s or print, is a no brainer. At the moment, with the emergence of digital media consumption, you can run a digital campaign using the existing material on a dime, so why not? It leaves the big dogs with some interesting discussions about the cost of advertising pricing in this unproven sector.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Advertising heavyweights P&G stepped up to the plate in a big way when it came to the World Cup and created, with help from Sky Media, the Pringooooals app. Functionality-wise, your iphone shouts 'goooooal' when shaken, can be made to blow a whistle, or if the decisions are going against you, shows a red card.